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Slayer of Gods

by Lynda S. Robinson

Reviewed by Coral

As Meren pushes forward into his investigation of Nefertiti’s death, threats are made towards his family. Having failed to discredit Meren in the eyes of the Pharaoh, the guilty party now turns to threatening the lives of Meren’s children. Can Meren catch the killer before those he loves pay the ultimate price?

The author had sort of revealed to us who one of the agents responsible for Nefertiti’s death was a couple of books ago, so I knew there would have to be a bigger secret surrounding her death or her killer. I thought I had figured out what the secret was and was so proud of myself when I was right that I didn’t see the other bigger secrets surrounding the Queen’s death. Overall, I was very satisfied by the conclusion and the identity of the killer.

I was a little disappointed that in the later books characters like Ay and Horemheb seemed to disappear. They are talked about a little and Horemheb does appear in the book, but not as much as I had hoped they would from the first books of the series.

Selfishly, I wish there were more books in the series. There seemed like there was more of the story that the author wanted to tell, especially with one of the developments in the royal family that happened near the end of the book. I also would have wanted to read the scene where Meren and his daughter Isis make up and him meeting his second grand-child.

Overall, this was a good series. I had been worried that since I was waiting to read the end of it for so long that expectations that I had built up would have left me disappointed, but I enjoyed the series very much (including all the timeline flaws).

Grade: B